What is the state of man when he rises from the grave - Selamber Aku Jer




13 Dis 2022

What is the state of man when he rises from the grave

Humans will rise from the grave in different circumstances, all depending on their deeds while in the world.

Once, Muaz bin Jabal r. a facing Rasulullah s. a. w and asked: "O Messenger of Allah, please explain to me about the words of Allah s. a. w: "When the trumpet is blown, then you all come in rows" -(Surah an-Naba':18)

Hearing that question, he cried until his clothes were wet. Then His Majesty replied:

"O Muaz, you have asked me, a very big thing, that my people will be led, gathered in rows into 12 rows, each with their own behavior.... Then it is stated whether the 12 rows are related to:


Escorted from the grave without arms and legs. Their situation is explained through an exhortation from the Most Merciful God: "They are the people who hurt their neighbors during their lives, so the reward and their return home is hell..."


Accompanied from the grave in the shape of a wild boar. A voice came from the all-loving God: "Those are the people who during their lives eased their prayers, then this is their reward and their return home is hell..."


They are shaped like donkeys, while their bellies are full of snakes and scorpions. "These are the people who refuse to pay zakat, so this is the reward and their return home is hell.."


Escorted from the grave with blood like shower water coming out of their mouths. "These are the people who lied in buying and selling, so this is the reward and their place is hell.."


Accompanied from the grave by the stench of the carcass. At that time God s. a. w lowered the wind until the stench disturbed the order in Padang Masyar. "These are people who hide their disobedience out of fear of being known by people, but they do not fear Allah s.w.t. a. w, then this is the reward and their abode will be hell…”


Escorted from the grave with their heads severed from the body. "They are the ones who bear false witness, so this is the reward and their return home is hell.."


Escorted from the grave without having a tongue, pus and blood flowed out of their mouths. "They are the people who refuse to bear witness to the truth, so this is their reward and their abode will be hell..."


Escorted from the grave upside down with head down and feet up. "They are people who committed adultery, so this is the reward and their return home is hell.."


Escorted from the grave with dark black faces and blue eyes while inside they were full of roaring fire. "They are the ones who eat the wealth of orphans in an illegal way, so this is the reward and their return destination is hell..."

TENTH LINE Escorted from their graves in their bodies full of boils and leprosy. "They are disobedient to their parents, so this is the reward and their return home is hell.."

ELEVENTH ROW Escorted from their graves in a blind state, their teeth extended like the horns of bulls, their lips widened to their chests and their tongues extended to their stomachs and came out with all kinds of dirt. "They are those who drink alcohol, so this is their reward and their return is hell..."


They were escorted from the grave with faces shining like the full moon. They went through the web like lightning. Then, a voice came from the side of God the Most Merciful announcing: "They are people who do righteous deeds and do a lot of good. They stay away from acts of disobedience, they maintain the five daily prayers, when they die they repent, then this is the reward and their return home is heaven, receiving forgiveness, love and the pleasure of the all-loving God.

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